Ask 3/101教育领域最流行的趋势是什么?

1. 成长型思维 Growth Mindset(10分)

2. 创客学习 Maker Learning(9.7分) 基于创造的学习 - Maker education

3. 布鲁姆教育目标分类学及其应用目标分类法 Bloom’s Taxonomy(9.7分)

Source: Internet

4. 信息素养 Digital Citizenship/Literacy(9.4分)

The quality of habits, actions, and consumption patterns that impact the ecology of digital content and communities

5. 个性化学习 Personalized Learning(9.0分)

In personalized learning, content, pacing, sequence, technology, learning models, learning spaces, audience and purpose, and any other ‘learning component’ are adjustable according the knowledge demands, curiosity, genius, and learning purpose of each student. The end result is, ideally, a learner who is literate in both the content and process of learning.

Source: Internet

6. 项目化学习 Project-Based Learning(8.8分)

Flip learning, with use of Bloom’s Taxonomy

7. 团队建设化学习 Team-Building For Learning(8.6分)

8. *混合式学习 Blended Learning(8.5分)*

a model that combines online and face-to-face learning spaces and experiences

9. 天才时光 Genius Hour(8.2分)

10. 同理心 Teaching Empathy(8.0分)

11. 反推教育技术 Pushing Back on Education Technology(7.8)

12. 社会情感教育 Social/Emotional Learning(7.5)

13. 创新型学校办学模式 Alternatives To Traditional ‘School’(7.2)

14. 机器人/编程 Robotics/Coding(6.9)

15. 多元评价 Alternatives To Letter Grades(6.8)

  • Gamification

  • Live Feedback

16. 基于脑科学的学习 Brain-Based Learning(6.5)

Source: Teach Thought

17. 游戏化教学 Gamification(6.3)

18. 自适应学习算法 Adaptive Learning Algorithms(6.1)

19. 游戏式学习 Game-Based Learning(6.0)

20. 移动学习 Mobile Learning(5.8)

Source: Thinkthought



